Installation - Water cooling
First you will need to cut back the Porsche 1.5" aluminum pipes that run along each side of the car. Naturally, it's best to leave it a little longer than an estimate, as the Renn27 hose can be slipped over more length if needed.
Take the Audi lower 3/4" diameter steel pipe that bolts to the upper oil pan and flip it upside down. Cut off the Y section and make a hose connection on each side. The driver side will accept the Renn27 reservoir feed hose, the passenger side will connect the OEM Audi hose to the oil cooler.
The Audi lower radiator hose needs to have a section cut out to be reused on the driver side radiator hose connection from the thermostat outlet to Porsche aluminum pipe connection
Use OEM or similar VW / Audi G13 coolant mixed 50/50 with distilled water
Two coolant ports located under the manifolds are to be capped using the smaller silicone caps. The larger caps should be installed on the *********
Nipple Caps
You will find a total of FOUR silicone nipple caps. TWO 13mm and TWO 19mm. They should be affixed to the following locations pointed out by finger below: